Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Grandpa was sick with pneumonia and Callum didn't see his for over a week. He missed him. So the other night, wearing only his p.j.'s and slippers, he put his backpack on and decided to go to find Grandpa.

 When he was half-way down the driveway Daddy stopped him...not sure how far he would have wandered looking for "Pa"

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Callum's latest game is to run away when you're not looking and lay down on the stairs and pretend to fall asleep (he even "snores"). He made himself sleepy for real today when he lay down

Riding his horse

Happy boy!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Callum's first band-aid. He was pretty happy because Grandpa also has a boo-boo on his finger

 Callum found the first sign of spring in our garden! He's looking forward to being able to play outside every day

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

We went to the maple syrup farm this weekend, and they had the barn open for kids to check out the animals. Callum loved all of them, and wasn't scared at all. He let all of them eat out his hand and he pet the donkey's nose. 

 Even when the goats got a little aggressive he didn't seem to mind

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Callum found this bucket and realized he could fit inside of it...he watched a whole episode of Elmo sitting in there the other day

 Callum had his first ever soccer practice today! Since he's so young it's mostly about sharing and sportsmanship, plus they do counting and colours together.

Grandma and Grandpa took him because Daddy ended up working unexpectedly. Callum was unsure at first but had a good time showing everyone what a good jumper he is! By the end of practice he'd warmed up to the experience and gave the coach a high-five and a hug. Mummy thinks his new uniform is so cute!