Wednesday, 23 May 2012


 We got our new house! Everyone helped move us in a few days ago...there's still lots of unpacking to do but the beds are up and the kitchen is pretty much organized. We already had to tear out two carpets and a whole lot of weeds but things are starting to look good.

Between blowing bubbles and digging in a pile of dirt, Callum's got his summer planned out. 

Friday, 11 May 2012

Grandma Downie and Aunt Joyce sent some cute clothes for Callum! He looks so grown-up in his striped shirts :-) 

 Callum has started to read to us, which is lovely. He's only been reading a card that's basically a big paint chip. He holds it right in front of his eyes and wobbles his head back and forth and mutters in his sweet little voice. 

Road trip tomorrow! The MacDonalds are going to get their new house!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Someone had chocolate for the first time today...twice. Mummy gave Callum a tea biscuit this morning because he wouldn't eat anything else, and I didn't pick out the chocolate chips like I usually do. He quickly discovered that you should aim for the brown bits.

 Mummy made brownies this afternoon and Daddy said we couldn't lick the batter bowl without sharing with Callum, too.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Playing in Grandpa's shoes - Callum was actually able to walk a few steps by himself. Grandma figured out why he's so obsessed with wearing necklaces - because Daddy wears a lanyard for work, with all kinds of fun things dangling from it (ID card, fob, etc.)

 No one's told me why he's such a climber, though. I never get any pictures of the steep climbs because I'm right there in case he falls (which he doesn't). Here he is surfing on the tray for his high chair. He also uses a package of paper towels as a step stool, the fridge shelves as a ladder, and tries to hoist himself into his high chair using brute force. When he was at Canadian Tire with Grandpa he found two real step stools to climb in the store.