Sunday, 22 April 2012

Family Time at the Beach
We collected so many stones and sticks to bring home!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Sleeping Beauty

Callum started napping well a few months ago, but somehow his nap time has been pushed later and later in the day, about 3:30-5:00pm. Which means bedtime is REALLY late. Seems like a shame to upset the apple cart when we went so many months without naps but 10:30 is a silly bedtime for a one-year old, don't you think?

Monday, 16 April 2012

Callum's favourite outfit! The robot on his shirt has a zipper for a mouth (he loves to say zzzzzzip); Grandma brought that necklace back from Australia for Mummy (25 years ago).

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Callum's been living on milk and Cheerios his whole life- very occasionally he'd sample one or two bites of something like white bread or raisins, but that was it. And he wouldn't sit in his high chair. All of a sudden, on Thursday, he started eating like a horse and loving his high chair! We are so pleased and he's proud to be acting like a big boy.

This is probably too much information (sorry) but the pictures are cute. He's been looking for privacy when he poops, so he either crawls into the empty basket (above) and closes the lid on himself, or demands something with which to hide his face.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Getting ready for Easter

Tiptoeing through the tulips

Callum giving a stuffed bunny a kiss

Back in Southampton, crammed into a box

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Boy oh boy have we been busy! Mummy has hardly taken any pictures lately between packing up our old house, running back and forth to Grandma & Grandpa's house (7 hours return trip...) and finalizing things on our new house! It will all be worthwhile in the end and Callum is pretty oblivious to all of the upheaval in our life.

Some of Callum's new tricks include balancing a pinecone on a spoon (shown above). He collects them in a big pile and then stomps on them.

Before they went on holiday, Grandpa showed Callum some slapstick comedy and he's been a real fan. He slaps his forehead, stomps his feet and twirls in a circle to get everyone laughing.