Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Yesterday I took Callum out for his first real walk in the stroller without the infant seat and he was so happy! Even just sitting on the porch before we left he was having a ball, sitting up like a big boy. He hung over the side the whole time (about an hour...) trying to grab every leaf on the ground :-)

You can see two of his teeth in this picture

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Callum loves trying to make new sounds, and the faces that go with them are pretty funny.

We went to a fall fair today - it was great weather and Callum seemed to have a good time, taking in all the sights and sounds. It seemed like he was trying to imitate the sheep baa-ing. I got a kick out of seeing the miniature horses, but Callum's favourite was just watching kids running by. Adam liked the cotton candy.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Callum's been spending a lot of time on the floor, practicing his crawling technique. He can make it from the living room to the kitchen without any problems...

Thursday, 15 September 2011

The weather here stinks. It's been hovering around 8 degrees and has been hailing on and off all day *sigh*. So I bundled Callum up in Grandma's knitted jumpsuit (not the one that fit him last winter...a hand-me-down from Nathan) and we made it outside a few times. Here he is posing by all the fallen leaves from the sugar maple - you can see some of the hail that stayed on the ground to his right. We got caught in a downpour a few blocks from home so Mummy had to sprint's going to be an early winter I think...

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


Callum started crawling today! We are very excited. He thinks it's a lot of work and got tuckered out really quickly...
We bought Callum a new, bigger playmat, with a mirror in the middle. He likes to spy on me using the mirror :-)

Friday, 9 September 2011

Hey, Mum, look at me!

After six months of not being able to go anywhere, Callum will now travel (the osteopath adjusted a hip problem we didn't know he had). He prefers to drive.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

As you can see, we've spared no expense with Callum's toys
Auntie G was happy to read Callum a bedtime story
Callum is sooo ready to start crawling!

He sat up for the first time by himself today

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Nathan brought a bunch of his old toys over for Callum, who couldn't be happier!

Nathan put on quite the show for me yesterday! Here's one of his great poses

It's really nice to see the boys getting along so well!

Nathan couldn't believe how fast Uncle Adam can run! Nathan wants to play ball with me next time because I'm "slow"

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Guess who loves bubbles! I remember cousin Nathan loving them too. Callum thinks they're hard to catch